If you’re a woman looking for a good skincare treatment, apple cider vinegar can be a valuable ally. It’s in your kitchen already! But not only is it a powerful remedy for skin irritations, but it’s also a superb way to soothe, as well. Use this essential home remedy for everything from broken feet to dry, flaky scalps.
Apple cider vinegar is a natural tonic, meaning it boosts your immune system and provides internal nourishment. Studies have shown that a sufficient intake of acidophilus from the intestinal tract has anti-cancer properties. Antibiotics kill good bacteria in the gut, leaving the body in a state of chronic health and inflammation. So don’t even think about drinking a diet bottle of cider vinegar alone!
Did you know that people who regularly consume a diet bottle of cider vinegar get fewer blisters and less bleeding from wounds? Even when healing or relieving itching, apple cider vinegar can act as an antiseptic, keeping bacteria from recurring. It’s a wonderful source of potent vitamins, and as such is also a super-vitamin, helping you ward off infection and illness.
As such, apple cider vinegar is also a very effective cure for colds and influenza. Apple cider will counter irritants like cigarette smoke, so others who are prone to them will experience less pain, and the common symptoms themselves won’t be quite as bad. Some brands are stronger than others, so check your labels before buying. There’s nothing worse than finding out you’re allergic to something when you start taking it.
Many studies have found that vitamin E helps promote good health. Vitamin E is found in apple cider vinegar, although you won’t find the concentration of vitamin E higher than the amount you would find in the purest grapes. Still, Vitamin E in vinegar is not harmful to humans and is readily absorbed by the body.
The grape seed extract is another ingredient in many skincare products. It’s a derivative of grape skins that don’t produce their own grape-fruit flavor. That makes it an excellent all-natural moisturizer that exfoliates and cleanses without causing irritation.
One of the more controversial ingredients in many skin products is stearic acid. While it contains fatty acids and oils, many people aren’t sure if it’s really a healthy choice for any skin type.
Vinegar is a rich source of potassium, which is good for your kidneys. However, because vinegar contains many sulfur compounds and alcohols, some people experience indigestion, headaches, and dry mouth. In fact, one study found that a 12-ounce glass of apple cider vinegar was enough to cleanse the body of bad bacteria and toxins while creating an environment that promotes good ones.
The most significant quality of apple cider vinegar, however, is that it promotes vitality and health. This isn’t just another mineral supplement, but an excellent home remedy that’s been shown to promote all-around good health.
I use it on my face twice a day, and I’ve enjoyed huge benefits from it. If you have stubborn skin problems or simply want to keep your appearance looking its best, the detoxifying properties of apple cider vinegar can help. It’s also a natural toner and skin cleanser, providing gentle treatment for dry, damaged skin and often leaving the skin looking bright, supple, and glowing.
For healthy skin care, look no further than cider vinegar. It’s cheap, easy to make at home, and even has vitamin C. Whatever condition you’re struggling with, apple cider vinegar is guaranteed to work wonders. Start using it today and see what an improvement you can make in your skin in a matter of days.